Settings tab

Use the Settings tab to change the overall settings of the software.

AnyRail remembers settings between sessions, but also saves them with each layout.

Settings tab
Measurement systemChoose from cm, mm, inches with fractions or decimals
DecimalsSet the display accuracy of all values
LengthThe length of the work area on screen. Make it somewhat larger than your train table
WidthThe width of the work area on screen. Make it somewhat larger than your train table
GridShow a grid with a Size, possibly in the Background
EndpointThe drawing size of an endpoint. An endpoint is the outer end of a piece of track
ConnectionThe drawing size of a connection. The connection is the circle denoting that two pieces of track are connected
Control pointThe drawing size of the control points. These are the points to manipulate flex track and lines
Minimum radius 1Radius 1 used for determining when Flex too sharp curves triggers, indicated by a red centerline
Minimum radius 2Radius 2, 0 (inactive) or larger than radius 1, indicated by an orange centerline
Minimum radius 3Radius 3, 0 (inactive) or larger than radius 2, indicated by a yellow centerline
DistanceThe maximum distance allowed allowed between connecting endpoints
AngleThe maximum angle allowed between connecting endpoints
Maximum %The maximum percentage allowed on slopes
Min. vertical clearanceThe minimum vertical distance allowed for track crossings
AutoconnectAutomatically connect track when endpoints are close enough
DistanceThe minimum distance to make Autoconnect trigger
Allow mixed railsWhen checked, any track with the same gauge will connect. Uncheck to make sure you use the correct transition track
Snap to gridMakes lines and surfaces snap to an underlying grid with Size. The left upper point of the line or surface is aligned with the grid