Surfaces tab and menu

The Surfaces tab is only available when a surface, or one of its points is selected.

The popup menu is available when you right-click a point or a surface.

Point functions #

  • Tab
    Surfaces point tab
  • Popup menu
    Surfaces point menu
xThe x coordinate of this point
yThe y coordinate of this point
Move pointMove only this point
Move surfaceMove the whole surface
Normal cornerThe corner defined by the neighboring points
Round cornerA perfect arc
Curved cornerAn elliptic corner
Delete pointDelete the current point
Add pointAdd a point close to the current point

Surface functions #

  • Tab
    Surfaces tab
Surfaces tab
  • Popup menu
    Surfaces menu
DeleteDelete the surface
GlueGlue the surface to avoid moving it by accident
Rotate…Rotate the surface
FlipMirror the surface
ElevateIncrease or decrease the height
LayerSelect to move the surface to another layer
Send to backSend this surface to the back of all elements with the same height
Send backwardSend this surface one step back relative to all elements with the same height
Bring to frontBring this surface on top of all the elements with the same height
Bring forwardBring this surface one step further to the top relative to all elements with the same height
Line widthSet the drawing width of the outline
HeightSet the height of the surface. A surface has one height, it can not be tilted
BackgroundPut this surface in the background
Line colorSet the drawing color of the line
Fill colorSet the fill color of the surface
TransparencySlide to set the transparency of the surface
Normal cornersSet all corners to normal
Round cornersSet all corners to perfect arcs
Curved cornersSet all corners to elliptical curves
Rounded pointsRound the points (for larger outline widths)
Convert to table topConvert the surface into a free form table top
Convert to height contourConvert the surface into a height contour
Save as objectCreate a user object from the selected surfaces
Load imageLoad an image to fill the surface
Remove imageRemove the image that fills the surface
Width, Height, AngleSet the size of the image (in your measurement units), and the orientation
Maintain aspect ratioKeep the aspect ratio of the original image
Follow outlineImage follows resizing of surface. Surface should be rectangular
Adjust outlineRecalculates the surface outline so it fits the picture exactly