The ribbon and the popup menu

The ribbon #

When you select something, the ribbon shows you what you can do with it and grays out any options that don’t apply.

Example 1: Select a flex #

A piece of track is selected. The Track tab opens.

Select a flex

Example 2: Select a flex, a surface, and some text #

The track, the surface, and the text are selected. A tab for each appears. A fourth tab appears for functions that apply to the selection as a whole. A fifth tab provides grouping functions.

Select a flex, a surface and some text

The popup menu #

A handy feature of AnyRail is the menu that “pops up” with relevant options whenever you right-click something.

Example 1: Right-click a stretch of track #

  • Right-click to open the popup menu.
Right-click track

Options that don’t apply to the selection are grayed out.

Example 2: Right-click a connection #

  • Right-click to open the popup menu.
    Right-click connection

There’s a description of each option in the Reference guide. The next couple of chapters cover the more commonly used ones.