Examples of model railroad layouts designed with AnyRail.
H0: Flats Industrial RR
A note from the designer: "This is a rare example of one of my earlier trackplans that's really stood the test of time. Before I settled on a prototype (and refined my trackplanning skills), my interest drifted between many midwestern shortlines. The FIRR was one such pitstop, partly inspired by a compact Proto:48 layout I saw on one of the online model railroad forums. Naturally, the lift bridge spanning the Cuyahoga is begging to be animated -- what a cool scene that could be! Not to mention, a novel way to stretch out operating sessions. A nominal ~60" height above the floor (my preference) would minimize any backaches from the duckunder, and also facilitate rolling under, using an office chair, for the less-mobile. As you can imagine, switching is the name of the game here -- particularly at Grain Craft, which received a large variety of grain products in all manner of covered hoppers. Such switching could easily keep a two-man crew running at a realistic, relaxed pace busy for hours." - Isaac Fabris

H0: Gateway Western Sub 6
A note from the designer: "I designed this layout a few years ago for a client who I'm now lucky to call a good friend. We even have overlapping interests -- our favorite railroads interchange with each other in Springfield, IL. Operations are simple yet spread-out and sufficient to keep a few two-man crews busy for an evening, using Iowa Scaled Engineering ProtoThrottles, switchlists and compressed-top-speeds. Three locals radiate from Roodhouse, two of which -- the Springfield and Jacksonville turns -- are modeled. Otherwise, various manifest, coal and grain trains run between various off-layout points, all beginning and ending in centralized staging. The large plastics and grain facilities at Jacksonville and Cockrell, respectively can be quite the puzzle to switch, especially with holds and off-spots thrown in the mix." - Isaac Fabris

On3: Cambria Pine Railroad
A note from the designer: "Over the last several years - 40 should be close enough - I tried working in every scale from N to G and while having fun nothing really captured my love as did On3. So I decided to go in head first and build and complete an On3 layout. First I needed some good sensibly priced easy to use software and after looking around the internet I decided on AnyRail. My layout is a freelance concept with everything I like in model railroading, I use all San Juan flex track and turnouts and while my ideal layout would be a shelf layout with two return loops one at each end but not having the space I took that concept and bent it and laid it out on a table. I do need to mention AnyRail was so easy to use and with a lot of flexibility it made my concept a breeze to design. The layout sits in the middle of my garage, raises and lowers from the ceiling, just picture an upside down shoe box, the box being made from Styrofoam sheets, the lid of the shoe box would be the layout. When not in use I raise the layout up into a completely sealed dust free container. At the moment I have all track laid and I am up grading my MMI K series locos to DCC & sound. All structures will need to be scratch built and are already drawn up using Coral Draw software, first to be built from cardstock for proofing then built from wood and other permanent materials. Operating the layout keeps me busy for hours on end it is a perfect end to a long search." - Ray DeWeese

H0: Cambria Pine Railroad
H0 version of the On3 layout by Ray DeWeese.

The designer writes: I recently needed a design to fit a small space and this is what I came up with. It's an N scale Fast Tracks layout, consisting of a 2 track main, 2 reverse loops, a station, roundhouse, yard, passing sidings, and an underpass. There's a grain elevator and a few trackside buildings, and even a small farm.

Trix Express
A note from the designer: "This layout is created with the Trix Express Pappe track (H0). Its size is 3.10 x 2.70 meters, and uses analog control with multiple engines. The layout was printed on a sheet of aluminium with the switches mounted on it. See the pictures. - Herman"

A note from the designer: "Everything is digitally wired. I'm using the Digikeijs products only. As control software, I use Modellstellwerk. - Christian"

Chicago to St. Louis
A note from the designer: "I have been working on this N scale plan for quite some time, and have received lots of positive feedback from Social Media. So I thought I would share it with you guys." - Marc Shaw

A note from the designer: "I thought you might like to see the 3D rendering of a small Z scale layout on a 40" by 32" sheet of foam core board. The town of Passau will be modeled in the middle of the the elevated loop. Three rivers converge in Passau. The trains will be short DB and OBB diesel, passenger trains." - Chaz

N: Allok, Radiata Springs
Click here for more info.

H0: Rien de Koning, Königsbach

H0: Alain Lissoir, Belgian Railways
A note from the designer: "This is an HO three level layout with 3 helix using Atlas, Peco and Shinohara track, code 100. The layout is a T shape with a 9m by 9m in size. The theme is European (Belgian Railways). The ultimate goal of this layout is to ride, ride and ride a lots of international consists. There are 180 switches and 852 m of track. First level is a basically a hidden yard on the entire surface of the layout allowing to 'park' all consists. Second level is the main line layout where trains ride at higher speed in the country side and across a local village station. Third level is the main station area where all international trains will stop and most locomotives park. This layout includes up to 5 main lines where the main station is a hub splitting to the different lines, allowing intense traffic and activities to happen in the main stations." - Alain Lissoir

H0: Mike Malley, Loft Layout
H0 Peco Streamline Code 100

N: Peter, Layout 5
N Fleischmann Piccolo.

H0: Bill Coxe, Attic floor plan
Bachmann E-Z Track.

Z: Chaz, 69th Street Philadelphia
Rokuhan track. Red tracks are a light rail commuter line. Yellow tracks are a trolley. Green tracks are another trolley. Lots of bus and taxi cabs under the orange roofs.

N: Russ Haigh, an oval mini On18 layout
A note from the designer: "Sometimes I actually build what I draw and this one came out really good. Built on a tabletop I nearly threw away, Atlas and Peco N code 80, On18 scale (my favorite). Great program and getting better all the time!". - Russ

N: Jeff Partridge, Heavy Rail
A few words from the designer: "The year is 1960. This layout is only for the largest clubs to consider, but it would make a wonderful thing to build and operate. It's the soul of mainline railroading in the United States. It's loosely based on the New York Central, from Grand Central Station in New York City to Buffalo, NY. I really embrace what is now called prototype-based freelancing. I did my best to capture the excitement of running freight, long-distance passenger, and commuter traffic on a 4-track mainline that stretches 600 miles across New York State.
Start in The Big Apple. Gather up freight from the piers and car ferrys along Manhatten's west shore and send it north to collect in the yard for points north and west. Passengers are another matter. Twice daily, tens of thousands of commuters funnel through the lower deck of Grand Central, having passed the numerous restaurants and shops inside the terminal. They head into the city for a long day and then head home again at night. They live anywhere from the Bronx, which takes only 20 minutes or less, up to Poughkeepsie, where it takes 1 1/2 - 2 hours to get home. All of them spend their time on the train twice a day. That doesn't count shoppers! New York City is a powerful draw for them. You can usually get anything you want somewhere in the city and almost always at the best prices. Smog control laws long ago denied steam or diesels access to Grand Central Station, so you'll change engines or go from one train to another at Croton-Harmon. The longer-distance commuter runs that go north of there often rely on EMD FL-9P engines. Today, we'd call them 'hybrids', since they operate as normal diesels north of Croton-Harmon, but south of there they use third-rail electric pickup for power, just like the multiple-unit commuter trains.Long-distance passengers haul luggage and kids into the gates on the upper level.
From Grand Central, you can book passage anywhere in the country. From here, the named trains like the 20th Century Limited left for Chicago and points west. You can still catch Amtrak's Empire Builder or Lake Shore Express here. Settle down in your compartment and enjoy the view! Once past Albany (and the huge freight yards at Selkirk), there aren't that many stops until you get to Buffalo, but it's still a 12 hour trip to go that 600 miles. The grand stations of decades past at Syracuse and Rochester and Buffalo are gone, now, along with a lot of the heavy industry, but the remains are easy enough to see. Railyards and closed stations here and there. Places where engine turntables were the pride of the local crews. All part of history, now. Still, the trains keep rolling. You can expect to pass a number of mile-long freights hauling containers, tank cars, and other goods on your way.
The layout covers all the way to 'Buffalo', then relies on a staging yard for points west of there. West of Albany's Selkirk Yard, the mains go from 4 tracks to 2, but there are still plenty of trains to be seen. You'll notice the branchline. It's really an immense interchange with the New Haven RR to the east." - Jeff Partridge

On30/On18: Russ Haigh, FC&P layout

H0: Russ Haigh, On30 SSW layout

00: Andy Hutcheon Loft layout
A few words from the designer: "This is my new layout which is situated in my loft its overall size is 8.5m x 2.6m. It has two stations (both main line) two separate inclines one around the back (twin tracks) and one in the middle for a pacer or DMU. It also has a Royal Mail pick up & drop off, a marshalling yard, a turn table and a goods shunting yard. It is currently under construction." - Andy Hutcheon

N: Peter, Layout 2
N Fleischmann Piccolo. This layout (projected for people not having much room) is still under development. A new version with a hidden yard will be added soon, which will be connected to the tracks in the back of the plan.

H0: John MacDonald, Real water
The designer says:" It is all Peco Streamline Code 100 and as you can see it is based mainly on a station and large fiddle yard but with a few deep valleys and high hills thrown in to give it a bit of character with different levels, tunnels and bridges etc. There is a helix in the top corner falling to a storage level a few feet below. As for the lake I am hoping to use real water with a pump for feeding the top of the streams to keep a steady run of water as I have tried this before and with the right waterproofing underneath everything seems to be successful and of course very realistic. Regards, John MacDonald

H0: Michael Carver
This layout has been designed for 00 Hornby Standard Track.

N: Martin de Widt, Middeldam
The track library used here is Fleischmann Piccolo (N gauge).

Z: Chris Manvell, Exhibition layout
This layout might once be shown at exhibitions. The designer tells more about it on the AnyRail forum: Completed Z scale track plan.

H0: Jack Biermans, A large city layout
Designed for Rocoline, H0 scale, this layout shows not only a wide track plan, but also has room for a city, an amusement park, and a 4-lane highway.

H0: A station with underground run around loop
Designed for Peco Setrack, H0 scale, this is a station with an underground loop. In the hidden yard, there is room for a number of trains waiting for their turn to appear in the station.

H0: Eric Consemulder, club layout
With this design , Eric wants to challenge clubs to build quite a big layout.
Eric tells the following story:
"Earlier, in quiet times, the village of Two Bergen was not so lively. It got its name because of the beautiful location where it was founded 540 years ago. There was the valley, nicely cut out between the two peaks. There was only a limited service, with a small slow train two times per day. Then, there was Frederikshaven, the harbor, where most of the people living in Two Bergen were employed. Many of them worked in the shipyard. The goods for both the village and the shipyard arrived in the harbor, where the goods for the village were further transported by train.
Because of the immense economic boom, the local economy tripled, bringing enormous problems in terms of housing for all the workmen. Of course, the local authorities wanted to keep the beautiful atmosphere of the village, so expanding Two Bergen was no real option. Finally they agreed to build a whole new town in another nearby location. They named the village Nieuwhaven (New harbor), because of the spectacular growth of the harbor.
The construction work attracted builders, who needed to eat, and thus attracted shops. All in all, Two Bergen and Nieuwhaven formed a prosperous community. It kept its historic beauty, and modernized at the same time.
Now, Nieuwhaven has its own administration and its own hustle and bustle. There is a big market square with various activities, a few high-rises for housing and offices, all fairly new and modern. So Nieuwhaven bubbles with energy, while Two Bergen is quiet and peaceful.
The track plan on the layout shows that we're proceeding in this economic background. It's possible to run both commuter trains and freight trains. As it's so big, the best solution is probably to digitally control it. There is not much support for steam traction, but that would be way in the past anyway.
I think this track plan has much to offer for anyone. Happy building!"

H0: Dave Gann, Hudson Central Railroad
The designer says:
"This is my layout, the Hudson Central, which is a standard gauge, HO scale freelance railroad. I am using Atlas Code 83 and I have started to construct the benchwork in my basement. The layout is a blend of switching, a fiddle yard and a continuous loop.
I have used several other model railroad CAD programs but AnyRail is by far the easiest to master. I was designing my layout in a matter of minutes".
Best Regards, Dave Gann, USA

H0: Zoltán Rigó, Big Station
Designed for Fleischmann Profi track. The designer says:
"I bought your perfect program some weeks ago. I had a TT scale layout 20 years ago. Well, this inspired me, that is why I decided to make a similar big station which I would like to share with everybody".
Best regards, Zoltán Rigó, Hungary

H0: Merv Hourigan, Newcastle Station
Designed with Peco Setrack. The designer says:
"I purchased your program some months ago. I have found it extremely helpful and also entertaining. I would like to share with you a copy of the layout that I am about to start constructing. It will be fully digital controlled. The idea is inspired by a Hornby track plan book cover photo of Newcastle station. Once again, thank you for the giving me the ability to bring an idea into practice".
Regards, Merv Hourigan, Australia.

N: Russ Haigh, a 24" x 48" mini On18 layout
A note from the designer: "The layout is O9, 1/48 on N gauge track. The track is Atlas Code 80 and Peco Setrack points. Setting is the American Southwest; the inspiration would be the 24" gauge Gilpin Tramway in Colorado and the 20" gauge Arizona Copper railroads. The photo below is of a micro I have already built to get a idea of how it will look". - Russ

H0: Peter Hanenberg, Waldeck
Waldeck has been created for Märklin K track. The designer says:
"Many railroad enthusiasts cannot resist buying powerful engines and famous express trains and running them on their layout. This design however, is more modest and realistic. The theme is a single track secondary line around 1950.
Traffic through Waldeck station on the right hand side of the layout is coming from two hidden stations. It's possible to have trains return from the same direction, but that's not necessary. Run around traffic is possible. The number of tracks in the hidden station is only indicative; there is more than enough room for extensions.
A visual division is projected to separate the small station of Bechstein from Waldeck. This division gives a lot of opportunities for scenery, in which the trains will be visible along long stretches of track, even when you have to walk to the other end of the table.
One or more connections to industrial zones or a freight station will make the operations even more lively".

H0: Rob Boone, Coal mine theme
This layout has been designed using the Fleischmann Profi library. The train table has already been constructed. The coal mine is almost done.

N: Bert de Vries, Two stations
This layout has been designed for Fleischmann Piccolo. The designer has already started building it...

Christmas layout
A note from the designer: "Thought you might like to see my Christmas layout I’ve put up for several years now on the carpet of my living room. It is all Lionel FasTrack and the wires are concealed under the roadbed. It takes about a week to set up and the AnyRail preplanning sure made it easier than trial and error. I had as much fun designing it with AnyRail as I did setting it up. I have recommended this software many times.
I've made many changes to the layout each year I put it up and the final design (2013) is by far, the most complex and occupies the smallest space (which pleases my wife). Here’s a video I made of the 2013 layout, Remember, this is a temporary layout in the living room: Video. - Rich Erickson