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Version 4.14

Started by David, April 12, 2011, 01:46:28 PM

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The April version of AnyRail brings you:

New track libraries:
- H0 TruScale
- H0 Tillig Standard H0

Updates for:
- Lionel O and Fastrack
- Tomix FineTrack
- N Kato Unitrack

- Alignment markers and Title/Date in printouts can be switched on and of in the program options.
- Line drawing can be resumed. Right-click on an outer point of a line for the popup menu.

- As usual, many small bugs have been fixed.

For our Spanish speaking customers: A full manual in Spanish has been released with the Spanish version of the software.


David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.

Rich K.

Hi David,

A member of the Yahoo Tomix group has pointed out that the 1022 piece in the Tomix N "Wide Tram" track library is in error. This is a product number for regular a Tomix Fine Track 280mm long straight piece, but there is no corresponding "Wide Tram" version. So it should be removed from the Wide Tram library, but retained in the regular Fine Track library.

Also, thanks for adding the Tomix turntable! The 3-track approach blocks you created with it are a nice touch.

Rich K.


Thanks Rich. The part will be removed from the 'Wide tram' track library in the next update.

David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.