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Version 4.16

Started by David, June 20, 2011, 11:34:03 AM

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Hello all,

Version 4.16 has the following new track libraries:
- On30 Micro Engineering Code 70 and 83
- H0 Micro Engineering Code 70 and 83
- H0n3 Micro Engineering Code 70

These track libraries have been updated:
- Rokuhan
- TT Tillig Modell
- Peco Finescale Code 55
- N Kato Unitrack

The following new features have been introduced:
- Multipoint select for lines (use CTRL-mouseclick) to move a group of points at once
- Showing Glue made optional
- Status bar shows mouse pointer distance from active (green) point
- Status bar shows length of currently drawn line segment
- Save buttons for List of Materials and List of Sections. Files will be tab-separated

The following problems have been fixed:
- Rendering of grid sometimes caused flickering
- Font size of section info
- Bug with CTRL-click to select and move
- Rubber banding ruler to select it
- Scrolling bug for very large layouts
- Click/delete sequence sometimes caused a crash
- 'Snap to grid' when dragging parallel line segments

I hope there's something in it for everyone!

David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Thanks David. Although I am not using Anyrail at the moment (I haven't started designing my N scale layout yet) I still keep an eye open for messages on the forum. [ Hi guys :o) ].

With best wishes,
N & Z Home PageBahnhof Breitenfurt – Ost

Marklin Z scale Bavarian S3/6___________________


Great program to work with. I managed to put over 50 meters of N track on less than 2 square meters.

However, now I have got a problem with release 4.16.1:
The smooth sloping seems not to work any longer: the option remains greyed out  :-[

I cannot continue with the plan in an older program version as Anyrail checks for the version of the modification, any hints here?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,


John, if you select a route with exactly two outer ends, it should work. Please take a close look at what you select: a black centerline shows you the exact path.
Selection of a route goes like this:
1. Click a rail to start with. This can be a simple straight piece, or perhaps one leg of a turnout.
2. Shift-click the rail at the other end. Again, in case of a turnout, be careful to click the correct leg to make just one continuous route.

I hope this helps!

David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Dear David,

I have my registration in the program AnyRail 4. The latest version (4.16.1) can not accept this. The previous one (4.15.3) was good. It says that it is not registered. The license key is good. What's wrong?

Take care,



Zoltan, I see it's fixed now.

David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Dear David,

4.16.2 = Detto :-(((

Unfortunately, I still have my license key does not work.

Take care,



Hi Zoltan,

Could you please send an email to
Then we can solve this without publishing license keys on the forum  :D

David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Quote from: janijs on June 20, 2011, 08:58:03 PM
However, now I have got a problem with release 4.16.1:
The smooth sloping seems not to work any longer: the option remains greyed out  :-[


I had this problem initially. When using the 'Smooth Slope' feature, ensure one (or both) ends of the section you are trying smooth does not have 'Lock Height' turned on. Once you have smoothed your slope just lock the connection hight again.



AND... make sure you're using the newest version! - 4.16.3
Later,                                                AnyRail Fanatic
Jeff                      and Unofficial Guy Who Knows Almost Everything About It


My version says 4.16.4   ;) ;) :)
Hans-Joerg Mueller
Coldstream, BC   Canada

My train videos

Win7Pro 64bit; 8 GB RAM; i5 2.67GHz; 1920x1080 22" display


Pish tosh! Mine updated when I started it two minutes ago :^P
Later,                                                AnyRail Fanatic
Jeff                      and Unofficial Guy Who Knows Almost Everything About It