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Winter rolls around.

Started by RhB_HJ, November 25, 2013, 08:17:42 PM

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That means a lot of workbench jobs.
Hans-Joerg Mueller
Coldstream, BC   Canada

My train videos

Win7Pro 64bit; 8 GB RAM; i5 2.67GHz; 1920x1080 22" display

Mike from CT

HJ, you definitely need a second, indoor layout so you have something for the winters.


Nah - just roof over the garden.  ;) ;D 8)

Nick the Cabin Boy

Maybe you could make a model of your garden; just don't forget that we expect exact scale reproductions of all those rocks!

Elizabeth Grove, South Australia
Building Pottersbridge, a fictional town a little North of London, served by BR and a fictional Heritage Railway, in N


All good points.  ;D ;D  A few of them are covered e.g. we have a HOm RhB layout at the shop, but due to "logistics" it isn't operable. Which in clear text means I'll have to get another project out of the way to gain the room for the layout.
Building a model of what's in the garden would take too much space, never mind modeling all those rocks.
A roof over the garden would upset the wild life and the neighbours; there goes that.

The first of the workbench jobs: building 13 turnouts, the first six are presently "in the works" (aka actual progress). All told there will be 38 turnouts on the layout — until I decide to add more.  ;D  ;)

A week ago that work table was still occupied by a large structure that in the meantime has been moved to the garden where it belongs.

More work to be done when Spring rolls around. If you look closely you'll see a 1:24 photographer by that shelter above the tunnel portal.

Hans-Joerg Mueller
Coldstream, BC   Canada

My train videos

Win7Pro 64bit; 8 GB RAM; i5 2.67GHz; 1920x1080 22" display

Mike from CT

Quote from: BritsTukker on November 25, 2013, 09:45:15 PM
Nah - just roof over the garden.  ;) ;D 8)

Nah, the real RhB doesn't have trouble with operating in the snow and cold.  It seems it's the real HJ that can't handle the climate, instead.

Which makes one wonder why he fled the Swiss snow and ice for the Canadian snow and ice, in the first place.  I'd have thought he'd prefer the Bahamas, assuming there's a source of rocks in the Bahamas, of course.  Or he could have modelled in Z scale and used sand instead, I suppose....


Quote from: RhB_HJ on November 26, 2013, 05:14:05 AM

...... when Spring rolls around. ........

Ah! Now you're talking. Spring Rolls. Of course we call them 'Loempias' here in NL......

That'll put paid to Jeff's diet, but I never did believe in diets......


There won't be a problem operating in the cold and snow  .... once I get the track from end to end, build a plow, a rotary plow and a turntable at Thusis.
Which reminds me, for added effect I'll place some snow and stone catchers above the tunnel portal(s).
Hans-Joerg Mueller
Coldstream, BC   Canada

My train videos

Win7Pro 64bit; 8 GB RAM; i5 2.67GHz; 1920x1080 22" display


BT, I never did believe in diets either. Until the doc said "Do it or die inside a year". Sort of puts the question in perspective in short order, eh?
Later,                                                AnyRail Fanatic
Jeff                      and Unofficial Guy Who Knows Almost Everything About It


@Jeff: It all depends on your perspective - enjoy your food and die happy or go on a strict diet and be miserable for a longer time. How much longer is debatable - you might get flattened by a truck within a month anyway.
We've all got to go sometime and I personally have no desire to break records for longevity. Of course, you youngsters might see it differently....



After my heart valve replacement (birth defect) the surgeon told me that I was better than new. I stay out of the way of trucks and other big moving stuff e.g. trains. I also insisted on getting a mechanical valve as they supposedly last longer than the biological ones.

I have a feeling Jeff's doctor scared him real good to get him (finally) moving.  ;)  :D

PS  BTW one can enjoy all kinds of food, even stuff that's supposed to be "deadly", it's the volume that makes the difference.
PPS Back to building turnouts!  ;D ;D
Hans-Joerg Mueller
Coldstream, BC   Canada

My train videos

Win7Pro 64bit; 8 GB RAM; i5 2.67GHz; 1920x1080 22" display


Let's just say it narrowed the choice in terms of options :). I'm still facing possible liver transplant (no real choice there). The doc said something stupid like 'Your liver disease will drag on for years (decades) and by the time it gets bad enough to require (absolutely require) a transplant, you'll be too old to survive the surgery. Those people are really a buzz-kill, ya know?
Later,                                                AnyRail Fanatic
Jeff                      and Unofficial Guy Who Knows Almost Everything About It