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How to move the track plan across the background grid?

Started by Erik84750, September 21, 2022, 08:47:18 AM

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Somehow I must have moved the trackplan (see screenshot) to the left over the grid.

How can this be moved back slightly to the right?

Nick the Cabin Boy

The easiest way, as long as ALL the track is connected, is to select a connection on, say, the left side, and enter the preferred X co-ordinate for it. All the track will move. To prevent it happening again, simply glue 1 piece. For example, I'm in N, and I generally set my layouit in such a way that the leftmost point is 25mm from the table edge.

Nick, Geelong
Elizabeth Grove, South Australia
Building Pottersbridge, a fictional town a little North of London, served by BR and a fictional Heritage Railway, in N


Hi Nick, when I try to select any rail section it shows the section with a red bullet above it instead of green. What should be done?


Solved: as all track section coloured red I made a complete selection of the layout and used the "release" button. Now, when seelction just one rail, the layout moves accross the grid.

Nick the Cabin Boy

Glad you've fixed it! There's nothing worse than doing a lot of detail work and then finding that something has moved!

Elizabeth Grove, South Australia
Building Pottersbridge, a fictional town a little North of London, served by BR and a fictional Heritage Railway, in N