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Aligning and Distributing Objects

Started by railroads2005, July 23, 2023, 06:47:53 AM

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Having used several other railroad cad programs, general cad programs and drawing / illustration programs I find several functions missing in AnyRail that I would consider essential. One of these functions is the ability to align any number of objects or grouped objects to each other, a line, a rectangle, a circle, a shape or a surface based on left, right, center, top, bottom or middle. An example would be if you had a line of buildings on a street you could select all the buildings and set alignment to "right" and all the buildings would be aligned to each other in a perfect line along you street. Another example would be if you wanted to place a circle in the exact center of a rectangle or square you would select the object you wanted to move (the circle) select align middle and center and then select the object you wanted the circle centered in (the rectangle) and then it would move the circle to the perfect center of the rectangle. For exapmles of how this function works you can reference CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, 3dPlanit and other design programs.