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Started by kiwi42, October 29, 2023, 02:48:14 AM

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I am using the SECTION TAB to colorize my layout tracks, I wonder if there could be CLICK to use, to NOT HAVE IT SHOWING on top of the track join, where there might be something like an ISOLATER.
For me it, is in the way and filling up the page
THANKS kiwi42


Could you include a screenshot to explain what you mean?
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


I think I have explained it right earlier.

if you deselect UNSECIFIED you are not able to use the color for each track ????
My picture shows shade of pink for the boards with a Horizontal line for that join
2 yellow tracks
2 blue tracks, one length of Flexi is green (hilighted)


You can choose a color per section.
'Unspecified' means that you've not set the section's usage.

So if you click the track, the TRACK tab opens and at the far right of this tab, you'll find the Section group. Here, you can select a color for the section.
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Hello David,
Thanks for the reply.
This is what I have done, but do not want the UNSPECIFIED to show up



When you tick 'Section usage' on the SHOW tab, the set usage will show up, in this case 'Unspecified'.
If you select the section, you can type anything in the 'Usage' edit box on the TRACK tab.
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Conversely, if you have not specified the usage for any of your sections, then simply ensure that the "Section usage" box under the Show tab is not ticked.


Hi David and BadBanana
Now I am not sure what I like the best WITH or WITHOUT.

But I might go without, even though I have the colors, I do know what is what.