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Started by kipf4u, June 25, 2024, 04:30:53 AM

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Trying to open my file that has many hours of work and get this "crash" message.
Any help to try to save all this work would be appreciated.
Thanks, Kip

AnyRail6.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files (x86)\AnyRail6\AnyRail6.exe" at 0023:01885F8B, boost::serialization::singleton<boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster_primitive<CEndPoint,CAR3Point> >::get_const_instance()+229323 byte(s)


Could you please send us the problem file? It is the file with extension ".any".
Please send it to
Hopefully we can reproduce the problem here.

Please note that AnyRail makes backups every ten minutes.

To find these, start the program, open the FILE tab and click Help.
Now, find the 'Autosave folder' button and click it.

The Windows explorer opens with all the auto-saved plan files.
The most recent one is probably the one you need.
Open it, and then use FILE/'Save as' to save in in a regular location.

In case AnyRail created a crash report, please send it to us for further inspection.

I'm sorry for the trouble!
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.