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Version 7 - custom modules and more standards

Started by KX7, July 14, 2024, 08:09:12 PM

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The module support was my top feature for AnyRail7. Here is my wish list based on the current state:

- full support for NTRAK including the mountain line (green) and the alt blue
- similarly, adding support for oNeTRAK

Custom modules:
- it would be great to be able to create custom modules, as a lot of clubs including ours have slightly modified the standards (eg. Position of the one track in oNeTRAK);
- the ability to create custom modules would enable modular layouts (ones that don't follow a standard) to be able to be adequately represented.

- For designing a modular layout for show, it would be great to have all the modules of the club as a library sidebar like the track libraries.

Thank you for the great work !


Is there any documentation to be found on oNeTRAK?

Before adding custom module support, we first want to await more feedback on how the modules now work, and if they're used at all.

David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


NRail is focused on defining the standards -

The 'NTRAK Complete Standards Manual' refers to oNeTRAK in page 26. The 'oNeTRAK Manual' goes into more details.


I will say that I am using the modules quite regularly.  I am designing a layout built with T-Trak modules.  Most of my efforts have been easily accomplished but custom modules would help in a few cases.  It might also be useful to be able to connect track pieces to a module until custom modules are available.  Currently, I can connect track pieces to a module if they are one the module, but I can't connect "raw" track to the end of a module in place of a custom module.


I must say the wishes of KX7 regarding custom modules are great !

We are managing the "SceNic" community (french specific) actually using Railly which is a real pain to use. I would love to introduce Anyrail to our group if such feature would become easy to use !

You can see the SceNic module description (in french) here :

The standards defines interfaces at each end of a module, height of the boxes etc., but everything between both ends is left free to the user. We have now several dozens modules existing and having them as a library to draw plans for exhibitions is our biggest need, I can't wait to see this in Anyrail !