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Version 7.6

Started by David, January 15, 2025, 03:48:20 PM

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Hi all!

The first update in 2025.

New in this version:
- Carrera 1:24 slot track
- Faller H0 segment turntable
- Color settings for texts and shields (see File/Options/Texts)

- Track description order changed so that the ordering in the list of materials makes more sense
- Library name can be switched off in list of materials
- Better Swedish translations
- N Kato Unitrack Road crossing 20652 added
- N Tomix Fine Track 1048 length

- Working with modules had some bugs when moving them


David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.

The Track Planner

Hi David,

Thanks for the latest update.

Question... is there a way to have the shields filled in one solid color as opposed to just having the outline of the shield colored? I design using a 4K 27" monitor and unless I increase the onscreen size of a plan, the colored outline of the shield is barely visible.

I would like to see the full shield colored, I think that would be more useful. As example, with the slope percentage shield I could choose to have a red background with yellow text, which in my opinion would standout, and with labels I could choose a blue background with white text. In my opinion, an easy to read contrast.

For my clients, I send them full color prints of their track plan set to 1:12 (1"=1'), if the shields had a solid color background with the text in a different color, I feel, the information would "stand out" and be easier to read off a 1:12 full color print.


Bill Beranek - The Track Planner (


@Bill, I've put this on the wishlist
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Hello David,

I manage the layout for our T-TRAK club and we use Version 6. 

We have recently updated to Version 7 to take advantage of the module concept. 

It is working well except the T-Junction module is not in the library.

Any idea when it will be available?



I've put the T-TRAK item on the wish list.
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Hello David,
What I am going to call is my Room Size, to me very hard to see against the white of the screen and the Grid Lines, but able to have 300mm all around the layout which OK to see at 1:75, if needed I would go to 1:15 or perhaps 1:10 for any closeup work.
V7.4.1 was showing it, but V7.5 or v7.6 do not, I have rechecked my v7.4 while in V7.6 and it is still there. But not with a NEW approach, Is there an option or can there be to change the color of the Screen and have "MY ROOM SIZE" another color.

Another option, could we have something that is to click ON the length of track at the Joins or even use the Point(knowing that there must be a CURVE APPROACH a the point and the track) as one level and somewhere further around the other height, as well as the surface of Baseboards underneath, seeing some track is about 2% or whatever, but the Baseboard is under, just touching one end and a gap the other.
Thanks Kiwi42


@kiwi42, I'm not fully sure what you mean, but maybe you've changed the Work area and Background colors?
These can be set in File/Options/Colors.
Otherwise, could you please upload your file so we can see what is happening?
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Hello David,
I have it back now