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"User Object library"

Started by Fuzzy49, January 24, 2025, 10:51:10 PM

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Dave...(or somebody)

Sorry about this, I am still learning about this program.

NOTE: DAVE, thanks with the help on the DETAILS on an object in my layout.

I wish that I could delete these files myself, so as not to bother you.
I guess that it is a safety feature and left up to the builders of this program.

I asked earlier about deleting some of my user objects that I posted/uploaded, there were 3 of them. Well after some checking I found a few more. 3 Faller, 1 Pola, 1 TYCOKIT, 21 Vollmers and 1 Walthers.

Can  you please delete these, these are all grey in color, any new ones will be in color with details. I have them ready to upload but will wait until I here from you.

HO, Faller 130276 (A)
HO, Faller 130276
HO, Faller 1255 (227 6060)

H0, Pola, 632, Tennis Club Blue_White
H0, TYCOKIT, 7764, Machine Shop
H0, Vollmer, 4375, Main Post Office
H0, Vollmer, 3670, 3671, 3672,  House #11,13,15
H0, Vollmer, 43673, Half Timbered House
H0, Vollmer, 43780-A, Block Houses x3
H0, Vollmer, 43780-B, Block House
H0, Vollmer, 43780-C, Block Houses x3
H0, Vollmer, 43769, Village Church Ditzingen
H0, Vollmer, 3767-1, Fire Station
H0, Vollmer, 3766, Bus Station
H0, Vollmer, 3732, Vintager's Lodge
H0, Vollmer, 3674, Butcher Shop
H0, Vollmer, 3756, Police Maintenance Depot
H0, Vollmer, 3757, Police Three Car Garage
H0, Vollmer, 3755, Country Police & Headquarters #7
H0, Vollmer, 3728, House on Fire
H0, Vollmer, 3731, Farm House w_Barn
H0, Vollmer, 43773, Public Archive, [Auchivhaus]
H0, Vollmer, 43811, Corner House Schlossallee 1
H0, Vollmer, 43781, Restaurant W_Kit LED
H0, Walthers, 933-3017, New River Mining Co., Large Structure




We plan to go through all the user objects anyway, so please feel free to upload.
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


I know you will get to fix the Library when you can. I will upload my files but I thought it would make it easier on you guys so I included the file number that was assigned to each upload, I think.

Please remove these 27 Items from the object library.

NUMBER   Manufacturer   Part Number    Discription

30   Atlas      750      Lumber Yard & Office Building
126   Bachmann   46208      Shell Gas Storage Tank
238   Faller      130276      Farm Yard
260   Faller      1255 (227 6060)    HOUSE
318   Faller      130276 (A)   Farm Yard
634   Pola      632      Tennis Club Blue_White
770   TYCOKIT      7764      Machine Shop
788   Vollmer      43780-B      Block House
790   Vollmer      43773      Public Archive
794   Vollmer      3728      House on Fire
797   Vollmer      43780-C      Block House [C]
808   Vollmer      3670      3670,71,72 House #11,13,15
810   Vollmer      3674      Butcher Shop
813   Vollmer      3757      Police Three Car Garage
823   Vollmer      3766      Bus Station
830   Vollmer      43811      Corner house Schlossallee 1
837   Vollmer      3756      Police Maintenance Depot
849   Vollmer      3767-1      Fire Station
852   Vollmer      43769      Village Church Ditzingen
856   Vollmer      43780-A      Block Houses x3
860   Vollmer      3755      Country Police & Headquarters #7
862   Vollmer      43781      Restaurant W_Kit LED
874   Vollmer      43673      Half Timbered House
878   Vollmer      3732      Vintager's Lodge
879   Vollmer      4375      Main Post Office
880   Vollmer      3731      Farm House w_Barn
945   Walthers   933-3017   New River Mining Co.


David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Quote from: David on January 26, 2025, 12:06:15 PMThanks for the list!
No problem.
Now I seam to have another problem. I uploaded all of my new objects but there are 4 that won't go through/upload, it says that the "upload failed". What can be done to fix this?
Also, the large file number at the end, is that assigned by AnyRail or my Computer?

Below are the 4 that will not UPLOAD to Object Libraries.      

Vollmer   43769   Village Church Ditzingen  AnyRail\UdoRepos500\H0\Vollmer\85453a75-94c7-40f4-b896-b7a6889f86b2.udro

Vollmer   3755   Country Police & Headquarters #7   AnyRail\UdoRepos500\H0\Vollmer\9555367a-9fa4-4577-a89e-043f5d6dbb8f.udro

Vollmer   43773   Public Archive   AnyRail\UdoRepos500\H0\Vollmer\7a43e237-9890-4a29-87c8-6ffb346e12ee.udro

Vollmer   43813   House Schlossallee 3   AnyRail\UdoRepos500\H0\Vollmer\d8d83e35-8ec8-48b7-9ede-807209fd5ecd.udro

Thank you


Maybe you can email (one of) these files to directly (as an attachment).
Then we can see what happens.
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


I'm sorry but I cannot send such large files through email.
What else can I do?

When the Vollmer Library is open in AnyRail and when I right click on the object with the line box it shows a pop-out "Details" and then with the Details window open I left click on "share (upload)". Usually it takes just a moment to upload and then the line box disappears. All's well.
But after a long while it pops up "failed upload".

Again, the large file number at the end, is that assigned by AnyRail or my Computer?
Vollmer   43769   Village Church Ditzingen  AnyRail\UdoRepos500\H0\Vollmer\85453a75-94c7-40f4-b896-b7a6889f86b2.udro

SAMPLE: 85453a75-94c7-40f4-b896-b7a6889f86b2.udro



Just a thought...
Is there a limit on the size of the object upload? Say 26MB or so.
In further checking all my files I come to find out that the only ones that won't upload are the files larger than around 26MB.



Yes, there's a limit of about 10MB. Also, any user objects with images on them will not pass moderation as we can't check the copyright. Only user objects with lines, surfaces and text will become downloadable objects for other users.
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.


Your user objects were cleaned up.
The duplicates are gone, and if you have duplicates, use 'Delete deprecated objects' from the 'User object libraries' tab.

Of course on Fuzzy49's computer, these items will not be removed as long as these are personal objects (and have a blue frame in the library).
David Hoogvorst. Founder and Owner of DRail Software. Creator of AnyRail.